Wednesday 25 July 2012

3/7. The Ugly Truth.

OH GOOOODDD. I did it. I'm sorry. I tried to hard to deviate from the whole genre of romantic comedies but this was the only film I watched today so here it goes.

Okay, so this successful woman is beautiful and intelligent but she's busy all the time and she has a quirk that most guys do not like. BUT this man comes along and he totally likes her quirks but she doesn't like him first because he's a jerk but then she sees his gentle side and that deep down he's just a broken puppy in a litter waiting for a stranger to pick him. Then they kiss. The end.

I just described the plot to 90% of romantic comedies. This film falls within this category. But, you know, once you kind of let go of the criticism of the technical aspects of the film the dialogue and certain situations are quite entertaining. So it wasn't that bad. Just not something I would start a fandom on. Also, I like Katherine Heigl's neurotic rambles because it reminded me of the character she played in Grey's Anatomy.

 I'm not saying it's completely terrible, I'm just not a romantic comedy person. If you are (we can't be friends), I recommend it.

1 comment:

  1. Even though it's semi-predictable I enjoy them because of how the authors/directors choose to present them. An author can take a cliché plot and make it great. Agreed about the anti-fandom thing, these types of movies are not made to be re-watched.

