Thursday 16 April 2015

It's been that long (Let me unload everything in this on post).

Hello again. Wow this is getting kind of repetitive. I haven't really written anything in a while-- not because I've been particularly busy or chasing my dreams in a movie-montage- scenario (seriously how cool would that be thought, right? Super cool.)

It's because I forgot. Like, I've literally just forgotten about this blog that I wrote a bunch of dumb and sometimes introspective-- mostly existential-level of idiocy. Though I don't really regret having a blog because it's good to keep a record of thoughts on things and maybe someone will stumble across it while doing a quick google search for dragon pictures and read about this other person struggling with their laptop charger. Also, to read back at what I've written and cringe/cry/laugh at how absurd I sounded a little bit ago.

I don't promise to write everyday or anything but it feels nice to be writing in here again and that this space is still a thing. It's pretty cool.

 How did I use to sign out? PEACE. DROP THE MIC.

Still not cool enough to pull that off. Nothing much changed.
