Saturday 22 September 2012

A quote. (not from a book)

"What's it like to be a baby? It's like being in love in Paris for the first time after you've had three double espressos. That's a fantastic way to be but it does leave you waking up crying at 3 o'clock in the morning."-- Alison Gopnik

Because this quote deserves to exist somewhere on the internet universe.

Thursday 6 September 2012

Not doing work (laugh that this conflicts with the mood of my previous post)

Okay, I have been trying to finish all schoolwork. But as you may gather from the fact that I am currently writing a post in my blog, my efforts (or lack thereof) have failed.

So, I've been thinking. What is the reason? It seems pretty obvious that the reason for no work being done is because I haven't done them. But as a human being I am required to over-think this and assume there is a deeper, sentimental meaning behind it.

Some (possible) reasons:

1) I did do the homework but during the night a secret individual sneaks into my room, deletes the work and erases any memory I have of it (using one of those Men In Black type gadgets)

2) I am Lazy. (possible...)

3) I'm so lazy that I cannot even be bothered to make any other points because I'm pretty sure the lazy one is the correct reason. I also noticed that 'lazy' from the above point starts with a capital letter and I would rather be writing about knowing this mistake than actually correcting it. Maybe I could say something about the fact that capital letters aren't being used enough and should be randomly placed in inappropriate places as an act of protest (see Paper Towns by John Green).

 There are just so many things to do when it's near the deadline. I finally watched the BBC Sherlock. I must admit, I now see the appeal (and the reason behind the suggested homoeroticism behind the main characters). Also I feel smarter somehow, or less so.

 There were also many films that I suddenly need to see because I saw a picture of its poster somewhere and I fall into subliminal marketing. 127 Hours was surprisingly good. I mean, the concept seemed dull at first because... it's a guy who's arm gets trapped by a boulder for 127 hours but I liked the editing and it was actually interesting to watch. (it's also based on a true story!)

 I think I know the reason behind my lack of work now.

Tuesday 4 September 2012

I'm not crazy, I swear. (that isn't the first time I said that)

Sometimes I write a note to myself when I feel like I really can't do something. (by 'sometimes' I mean just now)

I can do this!

And so can you, with whatever you're procrastinating from by surfing around the internet.

(by that, I mean, feel free to write my report for me... I'm joking... unless you're considering it... haa...)
