Wednesday 26 December 2012

The Super Amazing Heartbeat-hearer Person.

One of the questions I ponder about quite a lot is the hypothetical "If you could have a superpower/supernatural ability what would it be?"

I hate it so much because I'm often caught off guard when this question is brought up. Not in the sense that I am preoccupied with another activity which prevents me from answering the question, but rather the fact that I hate the person asking it because they expect me to answer immediately with such little amount of time to think about it. (and then I remember it was hypothetical)

Now there are obvious choices like being able to fly (but then you'd have to adjust to a whole new way of traffic and avoid bumping into birds or... airplanes), invisibility (perv), superhuman strength (with this technologically advanced society...seems quite useless) etc.

I think I'd like something simple. I'm too self conscious to want to know directly what people think, however I would be interested in hearing heartbeat-- hold the phone. I have a small hunch that you may be thinking "But that is the worst answer anyone could ever think of on this hypothetical question."Ah, mi amigo you are wrong (well...).

Think about this, when we see someone we like, our adrenaline level increases along with physiological arousal with the given fact that our heart rate would be higher than normal. The same may go if we see someone we dislike, some sort of evolutionary instinct of fight or flight. I could probably hear if there's something wrong with people's health-- except if I was a superhero (or an individual who possesses the supernatural ability of hearing people's heartbeats) it would be difficult to explain or be believed because the conversation would go like this:

me: Excuse me sir/ma'am, I believe I could hear some sort of irregularity in your heartbeat. I suggest you get it checked out immediately before something dire happens.

man/woman: Say what?

me: Seriously, I could hear it. It's going like an angry train on a bumpy rail track.

man/woman: That's a really specific metaphor. Your metaphors are an equal balance of humorous and informative aspects.

me: Thank you. Wait, stop trying to get off topic.

Though I imagine being plagued constantly with the slowing sounds of heartbeats... which seems rather depressing. I'll go with teleportation.

Thursday 20 December 2012

Weird Teenager (A brief, inconclusive analysis on how it's a justifiable excuse for heightened feelings with a slightly depressing end).

I am part of the younger human species more commonly identified as 'teenagers'. Now, this word is commonly associated with stereotypical characteristics such as having LOTS OF SEX AND DRUGS. However, I am unfortunately not within that scope of stereotype but rather in the SOCIALLY AWKWARD end of the spectrum.

 I guess the teen years are quite a muddled up, dodgy area in terms of a general, definitive time of a person's life; on one hand there's some sort of worldwide consensus that this is the time where you do what you want because you're young. But on the other is the feeling of not belonging completely as we've just passed the childhood/adolescence stage and not quite reached full adulthood. Of course, this is also varying from individual perspectives: there was a time when what we now considered children were working or when it was common to be married by 13 years old... (*coughRomeoandJuliet*)

There's also the idea of "maturity" in context of how an individual reacts to certain situations such as  being given an opportunity for a penis joke (I can't think of one right now due to my extreme maturity, this is too hard.)

One of the few perks about this is that being part of the 'teens' within the human species means that it is assumed to be a valid excuse for almost everything. Things like hitting puberty, brain development, hormonal changes etc. caters for a majority of our behaviour. Being 'rebellious' or having our walls covered with One Direction posters --though would normally be seen a socially unacceptable/weird-- is assumed to be a product of our biology.

 These sort of things make me wonder... if things that I feel extreme about such as my current state of being, the people I like are just a rush of serotonin or dopamine or oxytocin

...would dissipate just as quickly as they appear.
