Friday 31 August 2012

It must suck to be in Gryffindor. (if this was my last post, I was tragically attacked by Gryffindor people))

There may be a small, super tiny, microscopic smidge of bias in this post due to the fact that I was sorted into Slytherin in Pottermore.

A while ago, I was in one of those typical cafeteria lines with other students (and some teachers) and I asked the greatest question anyone can ever ask: "If you were to be sorted in a Harry Potter house, which one do you think you should be in?". I asked this specifically to the person behind me, however another teacher, upon hearing this scoffed (SCOFFED) and said "That's a stupid question. It's obviously Gryffindor."

 After being greatly offended, I gave a great comeback: "Pshh... Gryffindor sucks." *ducks away from Gryffindor army* WAIT. "I'm totally Slytherin." to which the person I originally asked chimed with "Aren't they evil?" NO. We're just really intense.

 This is why it must suck to be in Gryffindor:

There's really only one, prominent reason.


Oh? You earned 10 points for Gryffindor?

Harry Potter defeated a troll in the girl's toilet when he was 11 years old.

You scored 10 points in quidditch?

Harry Potter caught a snitch. Game over. Your point was insignificant.

You saw a real dragon?

Harry Potter fucking wrestles with a dragon while flying in the sky and destroyed a bunch of buildings in the process.

You were a prefect?

Harry Freakin' Potter beat Voldemort! Who can't say 'Voldemort' now?

So yeah. I'm out. *slams microphone*

Sunday 26 August 2012

WATERMARKS (and why I hate them)

Watermarks, essentially, were created by evil scheming creatures from the lava producing core of the Earth for the sole purpose of ruining people's LIVES.

Maybe that was an exaggeration.

But I just really hate watermarks.

Let me stop you right there. I understand the use of watermarks, I understand that creators want to have claim over their work-- and they have those rights. But they are things that should be used moderately. (To use a quote from Spiderman, "With great power comes great responsibility.")

Okay, so maybe you're not entirely convinced with just those reasons so let me give you some visuals.

Say I drew this (not so) amazing picture.

But, I'm like, "Wait. What if someone copies it without crediting me? I should add a watermark." And that seems like a reasonable, logical thought.

Now that my amazing piece of work has a watermark, I can be credited when used (yay!)

That is not what annoys me. This is what annoys me:

How can people appreciate it with a massive watermark blocking everything out of sight? It's just evil. Have you ever seen a massive "CLAUDE MONET" in Water Lilies?

Tuesday 21 August 2012

The darkness doesn't speak english (a short story)

I wrote a short story.


"Well, this is kind of weird." the girl murmured to the darkness.
"Yeah." the darkness replied back.

The end.

Monday 13 August 2012

I don't know what to talk about. (Let's talk about how I have nothing to talk about)

I feel like in terms of talking about things, there's this Bottle of Stuff. There is no cap in this Bottle of Stuff so things to talk about would simply pour in or pour out.

 As I write this blog post, my Bottle of Stuff is nearing empty. And a rush of that feeling overtook me-- one similar to my phone having one bar of energy left; right before I scramble around my room for a charger like it would save someone's life. However, in this particular notion there is no charger to make my Bottle of Stuff increase in content.

 I mean, this whole idea of having something to talk about is not an actual thing. It's not something empirically testable or scientifically provable. How can someone know that they've lost all possible conversation topics? Is it when they start talking about the lack of things they have left to talk about and make a confusing metaphor involving bottles? But that's still something to talk about.

I feel like I've wasted space in the world of the internet; this absolute rubbish that no one will ever find useful as it slowly turns into a self loathing sob. By putting random things that should just stay and keep rotating around our heads like animated disney birds I feel slightly relieved. But still like a stupid internet waster person.

Let me end this with a random picture.

Wednesday 1 August 2012

Diminishing Self Centred-ness (NO. Not another philosophical post. Except it is.)

I guess Freud was kind of right when he said that as we get older we learn more about right and wrong (or, rather what is socially accepted as 'right' and 'wrong'). As we get older we as an individual see ourselves as just a part of society rather than the world revolving around us like some protagonist of a tediously written movie. Like, when I was little I had this thought that I was the only person who surfaces through the world consciously and everyone else was programmed to be the way they are (i.e: my brother was programmed to be a totally antagonistic douche and RUIN MY LIFE-- he doesn't anymore.)

 And maybe that's all mostly because we don't see and comprehend the whole complexity of the world and how each individual is unique. But, how can people be all unique? If everyone was unique then being unique would be considered normal which is quite contradictory to the prospect of being unique. Right? No? Being individually unique offers to a lot of variety as a human being like how we physically look, our personalities, our level of intelligence and intellect etc. (So being unique= not being exactly the same as anyone... like snowflakes)

 Even if we're all different it would be difficult to make everyone feel special. Because being special means that you stand out from the rest. But how can you stand out from the rest when the rest are also trying to be special? How can someone shout loud enough to be heard whilst buried in a sea of screaming people?

I would love to have a nice conclusion, but I'm not quite sure where I was going with this. So, yeah, be nice to other people.
