Sunday 26 May 2013

My thoughts on things. (a generic, yet accurate title)

As a human being with a fully functioning brain, I find that I think about things a lot. Maybe, not as much as I did before, but enough to make me think that I'm thinking too much.

For example, I was watching 'THE SOCIAL NETWORK'/ that movie about Facebook and was unable to finish the film because all I could think of was how Mark Zuckerberg seems like a massive douche. Super smart. But super douchey. And, maybe as it is a film, certain things have been altered about him as a person... I mean, he has brown hair in the movie, for one... which also bothered me (according to Google, he actually has brown hair... my whole life has been a lie)

Then I was being all productive and doing some Biology work when I started likening the idea of DNA transcription/translation to the long and complicated chain of drug trading-- which was really a ridiculous idea, because I found that I do not know enough about how drugs are manufactured and pharmaceutically produced to use it as a metaphor.

And now I'm thinking about the fact that thinking about a lot of things is not a very special trait at all, because as I have stated in the beginning of this blog, it is something that other human beings with fully functioning brains do. And to stop thinking would be for your brain to shut down due to death. And I'm obviously still alive. That was the point of this post. I'm still here (even though I feel like I haven't posted in YEARS-- actually, just a few weeks)
