Monday 23 July 2012

1/7. Shrek the Third.

Okay. So in the past couple of years, Shrek was always around. As in, I see an advert on the bus and think "Didn't they just make one?" (ironically, it is also then that I realised no one would answer my internal rhetorical questions).

So I decided to watch it.

There are a lot of elements I like. One of them being the fact that this whole thing is set in the land of 'Fairytales' but they add a modern, relatable twist to it. If you look really, really closely you see that this is not just about an ogre and his companions (the talking donkey and spanish assassin cat) it's SO MUCH MORE than that (oh my god, I sound sarcastic. I swear I'm trying not to be).

 In this one, Shrek goes to Worcestershire (like the sauce) to get Arthur (because Shrek doesn't want to rule Far, Far Away) who is kind of in the 'outsider' part of the teenagers. Then they relate to each other with their similar internal conflicts; Shrek not feeling ready to be a father and Arthur not feeling ready to rule a whole kingdom.

 Then there's the unusual antagonist in the form of the metrosexual, rose biting Prince Charming. Best. Villain. Ever. I don't know if they intentionally wanted to parody the 'golden people' who people expect great things from and sob at themselves in front of the mirror... it is either genius or an even more hilarious irony.

 And at some point, Damien Rice started playing.

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