Saturday 26 March 2011

The Reconstructed Wall (Under Construction)

If it happens that I fail my exam, I will blame a teacher who suggested this was a good revision technique (for tree-slaughter and an immense amount of blu-tac wasted)

Though I think it's working well so far (and I have a feeling I'll regret ever typing that)

Thursday 10 March 2011

The Value.

We regret a lot of things and often the idea of building a time machine and recreating certain moments seem like a plausible idea. The phrase 'time is valuable' gets thrown around a lot; so much in fact that people tend to take little notion of what it actually means.

Value means a lot of things... probably, I'm not sure. I mean, we buy a brand new book and take meticulous care of it; making sure to not make any marks on the spine or damage the front cover, making sure not to stain any heart breaking pages with embarrassingly denied tears or dog eared pages that mark our current page... isn't that viewing it as a valuable thing?

Or would it be that crease in that spine that shows the tension/dread/other emotion I cannot name- that you felt when you've gripped that book? Doesn't it make that book specifically much more unique and different than millions of other duplicated, carbon copied books that look exactly the same as it is brand new? Is it not the fact that the pages are crisp and curled because you attempted to make use of your hair dryer for other reasons than drying your hair because of an unfortunate trip to Thorpe Park and an unfortunate placing of a book to an unfortunate bag that was unfortunately carried to a ride that is (unfortunately) water based?

(did I mention it was unfortunate?)

I'm not sure where I was going with this anymore...

Friday 4 March 2011


We spend hours and days together, her voice belting out from the speakers of my computer—
unlike the usual soft croons, she's been abusing the replay button of my iTunes.
