Wednesday 27 April 2011

Words That Make No Sense.

Say, an alien walks to Earth for the very first time (please note that I do not know what the preferable transportation aliens as a general species would prefer, so, for the sake of this hypothetical situation I will assume that they walk) This alien does not know the idea 'language' entirely but just the conception of it. I think they will be confused however much knowledge they have about it or however much they've tried to study it and grasp it.

Words are a great way to communicate, it's great to wonder how they developed and evolved, I often imagine cave people just grunting out stuff as a communication technique (but I'm just as sure about this as the alien-transport-hypothesis)

So I've started my own dictionary for aliens (one word so far...):

Unicorn (u-ni-corn)- 'uni' means one. One corn.

e.g: How many did we harvest? I only got a unicorn.

Monday 25 April 2011

Electrolysis of Copper

Oh my goodness, I don't even...

(... know what goes through my mind during study clubs)

Friday 15 April 2011

Past-me VS Present-me VS Future-me

I have a horribly confusing way of thinking, this has been said in a million variety of ways that one can say such a statement (e.g: 'you present good points but your wording starts to get a bit confusing sometimes'-- one of those tiny scribbles that teachers write in the corner of your essays)... yet, they've stated it much more clearly than how I am stating it right now. I, therefore, prefer to express things using metaphors which is equally as ineloquent as expressing things in a literal way but more fun.

If I were asked to explain this whole point which I'm desperately and horribly trying to get across by using a metaphor, I'd like to say that it's like a 5 year old's mindless doodle (see what I meant about the bad metaphor thing?)... I mean, it all overlaps and seemed to make sense from the inputter's point of view but the outcome is just a mindless scribble.

So, I've split myself into three sections (not literally... that would probably result in some unsightly results... e.g: death, etc.)

Past-me- The most horrible, cringe worthy, laziest thing in the world. Past-me does not like doing productive things, but if we get too technical then Present-me (right now) will be past me every second... But Past-me tends to like to leave things for Future-me, which, then again would also be Present-me.

Present-me- Basically gets the worse end of the bargain. All of the work that Past-me has failed to complete. Present-me does not like Past-me very much... (I wonder why)

Future-me- Ultimately, the outcome of everything that's going through with me. Future-me is undetermined because Past-me changes decisions fairly quickly... so Future-me could be a supercool ventriloquist for a split second and then scavenging for food in trash bins with very rabid looking squirrels the next.

If this taught me anything, it's probably... wow, I need to stop thinking about things...

Sunday 10 April 2011

Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow.

While I thoroughly enjoy watching old science-fiction movies, I'd like to think this is their modern 'retake' to how awful they used to be. Several things were going on my mind while my eyes were tormented with the sight of this film such as 'How did this manage to get publicised?' and 'Were the actors threatened by a secret underground association to show mind controlling subliminal messages hidden within this horrible movie which further justifies several government conspiracy theories?'

I guess in this generation, things that are a juxtaposition of being incredibly bad that it morphs sneakily into the category of 'good' are starting to surface (e.g: Rebecca Black's Friday video). I'll just stick to ET.

Tuesday 5 April 2011

Old Soul.

It's nice to listen to old songs and look at times that seem to be completely different from now, to imagine how it would be and how people will look back after a few decades from today (I'm so weird).

Monday 4 April 2011

Charlie the Keypig.

Charlie the Keypig

Charlie hands around among objects that vary

A phone, a bag, from someone's keys… and many

Blinding people with the torch in his snout,

Just press the button and people will surely be knocked out!

(a poem typed in my phone and recently discovered... it seemed so much better when I was writing it...)
