Sunday 10 February 2013

To the lady in Starbucks, who was very sad.

Dear lady in Starbucks who was very sad,

I apologise as I couldn't help but notice the sadness in your face.
Dramatically put, when I opened the door to the fine coffee establishment I caught a wave of sadness being emitted from your side of the room.
Perhaps you were just cold from outside, which resulted in the redness of your nose.

But isn't it kind of weird that it's generally socially unacceptable to approach other people who seem distressed?
 Maybe it's mostly in my mind, like, I had a predetermined assumption that we shouldn't approach random people because we will be shunned.
Still, I felt a sense of unease that people don't seem to notice that you were sitting there by yourself being sad.

  I also know that the chance of you ever reading this specific post and realising it is about you is very, very, very small.
But if you are another individual who feels sad like the lady in Starbucks I hope you feel better.

(also, sorry for staring creepily at you)

(I'm not creepy I swear)

1 comment:

  1. Approach the woman! What's the worse that could happen?

    (ignoring the fact that she could be mentally unstable or super-evil)

