Wednesday 13 February 2013

Pre-Valentines Day Post.

I feel like in terms of the whole 'Valentines Day' topic there are predetermined (I realise I used this word on my previous post... I am very fond of it) responses:

1) I hate it- where I would talk about how this day is pointless and superficial because why would we only treat the person we are romantically involved with 'more special'? Rubbish.

2) I love it- It's a great day— nay, the greatest day.

3) Neutral. - I'm not bothered enough to discuss it.

But it is a thing that is celebrated around the world so avoiding the topic in general would be too tough. So here are some facts you could give people if they ever start a discussion about Valentines day:

- The term 'my/your Valentine' was based on a love letter that Bishop Valentine wrote to the jailor's daughter (while he was jailed) signed "from your Valentine".

- During the reign of Claudius II, 270 A.D he didn't want men to marry during wartime as he believed single men made better soldiers. However, Saint Valentine went against his wishes and performed secret wedding ceremonies.

-Valentine was jailed and executed from the order of the Emperor in February 14.


Have a happy Valentines day.


(unless you're reading this during Valentines day, then, you know, happy Valentines day today.)

1 comment:

  1. To think there was such a story behind Valentine's day! Wozer, awesome! I feel that I should be more respectful of this day

