Monday 19 November 2012

The girl who randomly stopped in the pavement. (Several hypotheses about a girl who stopped walking.)

(*I'm not sure if 'hypotheses' is the right word, apparently it's supposed to be a testable statement. Maybe it is testable. Wait, my story.)

I trekked through the thick, cold morning air with puffs of smoke acoompanying each exhale. I was particularly out of breath due to the heaviness of the bag in my shoulder and/or my general physical unfitness. I haven't quite made a concrete conclusion on whether or not I liked these morning walks, but I am too socially awkward to pay the price of having random people breathing down my neck in the bus for the bliss of trading my 25 minute walk to a 10 minute ride.

 As I made my way to a crossing there was a girl walking in front of me. It was a quiet and almost empty morning with nothing but a few students making their way to school with their parents and their strollers full of babies who they will then walk to school in a few years. I must say I do not randomly observe people (that's a complete lie) because it is creepy and wrong and stuff. I was a little (another lie, I was extremely) behind her when she stopped and randomly stared at the wall.

 (perhaps she was observing the lichens).

This odd behaviour caught my attention and I was then fascinated by this girl who was fascinated with something on the wall. As I neared her, I tried to subtly turn to the wall to see what she was looking at but she turned back into walking again and crossed the road with me.

Here are a few hypotheses on what happened:

1) She has anxiety over crossing roads and cannot do it by herself.

2) She didn't want to hassle the lollipop man by crossing by herself, thus waited for another party to go along with.

3) That wall was just really interesting.

4) She forgot where she was going, so she stopped and drew a mental map on the wall and realised it was just straight ahead.

5) She's crazy.

If you have any suggestions in terms of hypotheses, please let me know.

(I think I kind of covered most of them though.)

(Be creative.)

1 comment:

  1. Maybe she knew someone was behind her and so deliberately paused to make you wonder what she was doing. Maybe this whole post is proof (perhaps for an experiment of hers) that one girl can attract seriously extreme attention from unknown people by doing subtly (simple) random things. :) great post -- made my day.

