Friday 31 August 2012

It must suck to be in Gryffindor. (if this was my last post, I was tragically attacked by Gryffindor people))

There may be a small, super tiny, microscopic smidge of bias in this post due to the fact that I was sorted into Slytherin in Pottermore.

A while ago, I was in one of those typical cafeteria lines with other students (and some teachers) and I asked the greatest question anyone can ever ask: "If you were to be sorted in a Harry Potter house, which one do you think you should be in?". I asked this specifically to the person behind me, however another teacher, upon hearing this scoffed (SCOFFED) and said "That's a stupid question. It's obviously Gryffindor."

 After being greatly offended, I gave a great comeback: "Pshh... Gryffindor sucks." *ducks away from Gryffindor army* WAIT. "I'm totally Slytherin." to which the person I originally asked chimed with "Aren't they evil?" NO. We're just really intense.

 This is why it must suck to be in Gryffindor:

There's really only one, prominent reason.


Oh? You earned 10 points for Gryffindor?

Harry Potter defeated a troll in the girl's toilet when he was 11 years old.

You scored 10 points in quidditch?

Harry Potter caught a snitch. Game over. Your point was insignificant.

You saw a real dragon?

Harry Potter fucking wrestles with a dragon while flying in the sky and destroyed a bunch of buildings in the process.

You were a prefect?

Harry Freakin' Potter beat Voldemort! Who can't say 'Voldemort' now?

So yeah. I'm out. *slams microphone*

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