Monday 13 August 2012

I don't know what to talk about. (Let's talk about how I have nothing to talk about)

I feel like in terms of talking about things, there's this Bottle of Stuff. There is no cap in this Bottle of Stuff so things to talk about would simply pour in or pour out.

 As I write this blog post, my Bottle of Stuff is nearing empty. And a rush of that feeling overtook me-- one similar to my phone having one bar of energy left; right before I scramble around my room for a charger like it would save someone's life. However, in this particular notion there is no charger to make my Bottle of Stuff increase in content.

 I mean, this whole idea of having something to talk about is not an actual thing. It's not something empirically testable or scientifically provable. How can someone know that they've lost all possible conversation topics? Is it when they start talking about the lack of things they have left to talk about and make a confusing metaphor involving bottles? But that's still something to talk about.

I feel like I've wasted space in the world of the internet; this absolute rubbish that no one will ever find useful as it slowly turns into a self loathing sob. By putting random things that should just stay and keep rotating around our heads like animated disney birds I feel slightly relieved. But still like a stupid internet waster person.

Let me end this with a random picture.

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