Saturday 3 December 2011

Silly Things

I was just watching an advert (I must admit the purpose of my watching was not solely for the advert) and I was thinking about how much it would've cost them to build that set and for all the people involved in it to be paid. And what was actually the purpose of that? To display the product and give the company publicity, sure. And a way to do this is to make it interesting to the audience but I thought that wasn't really something I found personally engrossing.

Then I was surfing around the internet

and stumbled upon a gif of a tree with leaves slowly falling down, I looked at this image for about 30 seconds (is that weird? that's weird, isn't it?) and realised this caught my attention more than that expensive advert. I guess that doesn't say much about the quality of the advert but more about my personal weirdness. Why did I find leaves falling down so fascinating, though? Does this suggest I'm incredibly sadistic and enjoy a tree's loss of its parts?

I need sleep.

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