Sunday 14 August 2011

Paper Towns (A Novel By John Green)

"High school is neither a democracy nor a dictatorship - nor, contrary to popular belief, an anarchic state. High school is a divine-right monarchy. And when the queen goes on vacation, things change."

I've finished reading this months ago, so maybe my thoughts about it is a little dusty (what a horrible metaphor). Also, I have developed a little hatred towards long paragraphs, not exactly the idea of reading them but more to the fact that I hate writing them because my words get buried underneath more piles of words and it doesn't look pretty. Maybe this hatred was there long ago and maybe this is a hypocritical long paragraph. I have just sucked myself in writing this. My words are now buried, as I sit and frown in self pity but still remain unable to stop myself from typing.

So here's a review.

Things I... not hated... but wasn't necessarily eager about

- Most of the book, I felt, was just about Quentin (coolest name ever) going around in circles following superfluous clues from Margo.

- It could be because I get bored really easily, but, seriously I got really desperate for something to pace the story along.

Things I liked:

-"Part Three: The Vessel" One of the rare feelings I get when reading is getting so into the story that it's difficult to physically put it down. This was the part of the book that made it difficult for me to put it down. I loved everything about this part that it took me overnight to finish (which is considered an achievement, with the fact that it took me weeks to finish the first two parts)

The predominant reason that I liked this part the most is just that it was the best road trip ever. All of the characters showed their personalities individually rather than just a crowd that would surround the protagonist.

- The random-ness (SPOILER!) I recall them almost hitting a cow. I don't remember that ever happening on any other books I've ever read.

- John Green's writing. There's something about it that makes me happy. It's refreshing to read because he's hilarious and witty but still remains intellectual.

In conclusion, it was wonderful.

1 comment:

  1. I'm thinking perhaps I should just skim through parts one and two... and read 3 in detail -_- I'll give the book a genuine try some time soon. I need ti seriously catch up on my reading.

