Sunday 12 December 2010


Music is dying.

Music is dead!

It's a friday afternoon, last period. My English class is almost empty, so empty that only three tables had people sitting on them. Everyone is tired. Exams are finishing. There is no point in this lesson. Everyone complains; students that just had exams; students that just spent the whole night revising from the exam they just had; the teacher who had to run her way frantically from the other side of the building to find a mere amount of students uninterestedly waiting in her classroom.

It doesn't seem like a lesson will take place.

One, bright student with short blonde hair and spectacles stands up and suggests that we watch a movie instead. Everyone groans. I bury my face in a tattered copy of 'To Kill A Mockingbird', reading the same sentence for the third time.

Another student, makes his way to the computer and starts playing songs that have repetitively tortured the human race in the radio. The teacher grumbles about the fact that music is dying. Is this what you kids listen to these days? I was under the impression that everyone in the 70s listened to 'The Ramones' and smoked any plant in sight but I would guess this assumption is inaccurate.

The Blackeyed Peas' rendition of 'Time of my Life' blasts through the room and it certainly looks like the teacher is about to rip the speakers apart. It's like no one knows what 'Rhythm and Blues' stands for anymore. I was under the impression this has changed steadily into 'Rhythm and Beat.'

A few minutes later and the student with the short blonde hair and spectacles is back, clutching two DVDs in her hand. There's only two. The first one was 'Little Miss Sunshine' and I bit my tongue to keep myself from screaming, because it's one of the best films I've seen in a while. The second option is 'Grease'. I have no idea what the second film was about, the extent of my knowledge is that John Travolta is somewhere in it. The teacher explains how she hated 'Grease' because it was 'all about sex'.

Everyone voted to watch 'Grease.'

Music itself can't be categorised into one thing exclusively, as everything evolves and progresses, a lot of newer genres are created. 'Grease' itself could be considered controversial for it's time.

But, we all need to remember, Rocky Horror Picture show came out before Grease.


  1. Whoa! You wrote this in English? I like the part about you burying your face in a tattered book, even though this is technically non-fiction xD awesome

