Sunday 5 December 2010

The Bad Christian.

Isn't it more 'blashphemous' to go to church against your own will than not go at all?

Today, I realise that a lot of people (including myself) treated the church as a musical. An ongoing musical that goes on every single week and tells us a small portion of Jesus' life. Then there's the singing.

I am in no way mocking the church, catholicism or christianity. I've learnt in school that the building itself isn't the church, but rather the people that congregates to celebrate God and even more to take part in a Eucharist.

But as I decided to look very carefully, around the church and to the people that surrounded us. How many of them actually wanted to be there? Not just as a favour to the church or because they wished to be confirmed and, therefore, decided to show their faces for a few Sundays. Not just the children who are being dragged by their parents every morning as a sort of ritual from fear of going to hell. Not just for the crying babies or the loud ringing of phones.

Upon realising I have no answer, I've concluded that I am a bad christian.


  1. Well, I really have not much advice for you though I usually thought that a 'Good Christian' is synonymous with a good person so if you just do good deeds as selflessly as you can and actually put in the 'effort' /sacrifice to go to church on Sunday then you are pretty much sorted!! Don't fret over it :D

  2. A new comment, three years wiser.

    Mass seems to be one of the big things of Christianity. God wants to be worshiped and appreciated! Therefore, I suppose you are right as if we go to church but are simply going through the motions and not experiencing extreme focus, meditation, holiness... mass is pointless. When I told a priest that I found mass boring and what does God gain from it and I don't feel anything (worded less concisely) he said I was being selfish, this is what God wants and I should persevere even if I don't feel him possibly because of my attitude (worded more attractively). he also said God does a lot for us, so one-hour on sunday is not a big deal for me. He didn't answer the 'what does god gain from mass' question, but I think it's one of those 'do not think too much, we are incapable of understanding God thus any efforts are futile'. A convenient 'truth'!

    Anyway. I don't get why God doesn't make us feel anything during Mass, is it Him testing our faith? I believe in God, btw.

  3. Btw, the above comment is merely for young'ins who chance across this post in the future. I'm sure you have found your own answer.

