Wednesday 29 December 2010

The Coin.

I'm one of those people who only really look at coins when I'm bored. Coins aren't that interesting, you wouldn't necessarily look intently at a coin before you hand it over to the impatient cashier in your local corner shop. But, alas, I rummage through my pocket whilst waiting in a shop and see something peculiar in my 50p coin. I'm no coin expert-- certainly with no qualifications to make such conclusion but there was a sort of cartoon in my coin...

To this, my brother's initial reaction is to shout out "It's fake!" in a public place. Of course. Upon looking closer, I realise it's the 2011 coin.

My first logical thought was that I had somehow time travelled to the next year!

No, I had not.

But the 2011 coin is still awesome, I have a future token.

