Friday 12 October 2012

A Rant (about the lack of life-value in Hollywood films)

So, I am currently watching "Taken" with Liam Neeson (you know, the one where he has a specific set of skills). This film taught me 2 things : 1) Don't kidnap Liam Neeson's daughter and 2) In the event of a car shootout, to prevent the enemy from getting in the car and driving away, shoot their wheels.

 However, there is this recurring, hypocritical statement throughout the film that makes me want to stop watching. If this makes me stop watching a film, then I would probably just stop watching films or television in general.

 As in most Hollywood films, there is a hierarchy of life importance. Right at the top is the protagonist's, followed closely by their love ones (family or... romantic interests). This film constantly reminds us of how important this guy's daughter is to him and even started with an old tape of her being all happy in her 5th birthday. Awesome. She's at the top of the life importance hierarchy. But in Liam Neeson's (rather his character's) quest to save his daughter-- this important person-- he kills A SHIT LOAD OF PEOPLE.

 I know. It's a film. They aren't actually dead. It's just irritating. In some parts, the antagonists are shown as complete one-dimensional assholes to provoke an audience response of "Fuck yeah! Kick their ass, Liam Neeson! (or Liam Neeson's character.)"

 I see what you did there.

But I remember watching a scene where he just shot this guy's wife on the arm-- she wasn't doing anything, she was just sitting there! And she cooked for him too! That wasn't nice, Liam Neeson ('s character)!

I will admit, I am currently ill so my mind is swimming. And I've taken some of that weird anti flu "medicine" which taste like poison.

Maybe next time I'll rewrite this more eloquently.

(Haha. No I won't.)

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