Tuesday 31 May 2011

That Kid.

There's always that kid in class that you never really liked because they always asked questions. While asking questions do help answer them, I've always detested people taking this idea too much for granted and ask questions without even thinking about them. Yes, I'm a horrible human being and I'll go on in life not knowing about these tiny trivial things that I could've known and would've made a huge impact in my life.

But I'd really hate to be that kid.

And if you don't know what I'm talking about or you've never come across 'that kid'... it was probably you. Or maybe you're lucky. Or unlucky (depending on how you look at things... and a lot of other factors)

Perhaps I'm close minded and this behaviour should be encouraged more than ranted on by an uneloquently slow typer like myself. Maybe this would be a good character in your short novella; the kid that asked too much questions or the kid that hated the kid that asked too much questions.

Thinking about it after an unfocused pause (which I don't usually do when I'm typing... I'm such a hypocrite; I don't even think before typing stuff either) THAT KID (all in capitals, I'm screaming it..) is just ultimately ruining everyone else's life.

The average attention span of the human brain varies, but is generally very short, therefore that one moment in which a student was actually engrossed with a lesson would have been disturbed by some stupid kid that would probably go on to get some great grades and a good job and a happy future flying with unicorns and shit while the rest of us just mop the floors in McDonalds.

I need to go study...

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