Saturday 3 October 2015

Organisation is key.

I'm not a particularly organised person. That is, while I try to keep things in order and have some sort of structure with my life and the things I do, it is often unsuccessful. And, now that I'm 20 years old I kind of really hoped that I would have it all figured out. You know. Myself. I also secretly hope that other people my age are just as baffled about these things as I am because I'm constantly afraid of falling behind in this weird imaginary race I have against time. It's completely irrational but I've seen a random strand of grey hair on my head the other day so maybe that's what continues to cloud my judgement.

Don't get me wrong. I'm trying really hard to be an organised person. I've watched youtube videos of people organising things (that just made me feel like an inadequate person compared to these extremely organised youtube vloggers), I've read those weird wiki-how articles that for some reason always have accompanying visuals despite the subject matter being super mundane (this is not a complaint, I love the visuals). But I just end up being riddled with dozens of post it notes and pages of journals with the phrase "to do" with unticked boxes underneath. And the fact that there are dozens of them serve as a tangible reminder of the things I haven't accomplished. So what do I do now? I don't want to make another list because then it will just add onto the file of the things I haven't done. Maybe I should write a blog post about it. That definitely solves things.

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