Saturday 8 October 2011

No Motivation (A complaint)

I dislike these different courses I seem to be travelling through, in the beginning of this school year I was incredibly motivated to do well but as the time went the motivation started to slowly slip away. I have constant work I need to do but ... I don't feel the same push anymore.

Like in an enzyme reaction, there's not much molecular collision that could do any breakdown of large molecules... yeah, I'm emitting large molecules that aren't being broken down and the large molecules are starting to suffocate me slowly...

Wait, that's not what I meant.

1 comment:

  1. I was reading something about becoming motivated. In summary, it suggested saying "I want to" instead of "i need/have to". Tell yourself that the work is awesome and eventually it will be something you look forward to. Also, manageable chunks with positive reinforcement helps

    side note: You mean the large molecules are starting to make you feel nauseous and bloated?

