Wednesday 7 September 2011

Suit up (A day of suit wearing)

Today was the first day of school and it's almost completely predictable to write about things or events like this , but I guess there is a reason to why a lot of people do things like that, maybe it's something funny or one of those clutch-your-chest-and-sigh-remembering-the-good-days kind of thing.

I don't want to talk about boring school things because I think a lot of people have experiences/will experience the excruciating pain that is school. I just don't like wearing suits.

To me, suits are like a double negative (yes, I'm making grammar jokes-- it's ironic) they're both redundant and people don't know why but they use them. I get that it's an idea of being formal and presentable but if we go back to cave-men times they didn't need to wear suits to do things. Although, I guess they also didn't need music and the internet... that must have sucked.

I hate suits.

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