Tuesday 22 February 2011

Paper Towns

I've recently started to read 'Paper Towns' by John Green (because my life is incredibly eventful). I'm a slow reader because it feels like I've been sucked in a loop of sedated procrastination since the beginning of last year. I'm currently in page 64. (hence. 'slow reader') I'm in love with his writing.

I mean, I'm not entirely sure about the plot and the synopsis (at the back of the book) doesn't seem to give away much...

Hopefully it's a good book (and... you know, I get to finish it soon)

"Those of us who frequent the band room have long suspected that Becca maintains her lovely figure by eating nothing but the souls of kittens and dreams of impoverished children."-- Paper Towns (by John Green)

1 comment:

  1. Heh, You are right, there is something about is wrting that just feels really complimenting to one's mood... or perhaps he is just funny with an original sense of cynism/sarcasm.

