Monday 3 January 2011

The Post-School Post.

The last night in which I am rightfully entitled to stay up late, I've decided to stay up as long as I can and savour the few sweet hours of no school. But, as any other human, I get tired easily. The moment I woke, I promised myself to use every single second carefully... but, I fell asleep again.

To my chagrin (and completely inability to stay awake) I pour myself some drink, I mean, nothing like a drink to keep you alive, right? I get that life-changing urge to do important things like build shelter for humanity in any case of an alien invasion (you never know). The blood pumps through my veins like they want to pour out with excitement and energy. I end up with nothing but a revision plan.

This day sucks.

I did make a hat for the £20 note guy...

... and see an adorable dog (despite my irrational fear of them, they're very photogenic)

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