Monday 29 November 2010


I was totally going to revise, thus, I open my doodle book to do some complicated mathematical equations. However, upon opening this I find a story I wrote about a year ago. I can't even take ANY credit for this at all. There are several (if not everything) characters of which I do not own. This is basically a mash up of different stories. I wrote this for my own entertainment, and yes it still does entertain me.

Goldilocks had that whole blonde phase going on. Well, logically speaking that "phase"would be her life so far. Such a narcissistic stage as Goldilocks kept admiring her golden locks (get it?) in every shiny surface that she would encounter. However, the superficial fascination got gradually replaced— or directed— towards monkeys. And not just the Curious George sort of monkeys— I'm talking about a cross over between King Kong and Godzilla.

Dumbest thing to be fascinated with, really (with the exception of vampires) because it's quite hard to gain access to those sort of monkeys (or any monkey). So she just decided to pay a visit to the local zoo. Upon realising she was broke, unemployed and homeless she became a governess for some mysterious guy's kid in Thornfield Hall with such things that she found quite peculiar.

The mysterious owner however was not just the safe, creepy stalker kind of weird. He doesn't go out in mornings and he's usually up by midnight. Perhaps he was allergic to the sun? Or suffering from a really bad jetlag...

So, one day she chose to confront him and ask what his deal was. Creeping up slowly from the not too big/ not too small bed (that really belongs to the little bear) she glides ungracefully down to the scary, dark hallway of the house. Each step of her bare foot against the creaky, wooden surface of the floor creating an-angry-machine-gun-going-berserk-like noises. Goldilocks felt sad that she couldn't give that super swift ninja impression she had wanted to give out.


Goldilocks collided with something— or rather someone that she lost balance, and gravity did its things that sent her crashing on the creaky wooden floor.

Then that totally awesome thing happened, like in the movies with the camera slowly pans and reveals the mystery person ever so slowly, making you bite your nails in anxiety or bury your face in the pillow waiting for the loud shriek... Dun, dun, dun...

It was that-guy-who-was-totally-in love-with-Olivia-from-Twelfth-Night-but-not-Duke-Orsino-you-know-that-other-servant-guy-who-wore-yellow-tights. She gasped, squinted for a few seconds and kept walking when the dude started to freak her out.


He stopped thinking about it. He had absolutely stopped thinking about it. Except he was thinking about it. Couldn't take it anymore, the words felt like they were bubbling up, sneaking their way to the tip of his tongue like a bad after taste from a garlic based dish.

"You have lettuce stuck in your teeth."

And he said it. It was painful and he knew he could never take those words back however much agonising nights her would spend in his bed hiding under his blanket; the hurt look on that lettuce-stuck-on-teeth-face made him feel like a bad person.

This has nothing to do with Goldilocks.


So, anyways, Goldilocks is skipping in the forest merrily when suddenly there was a resonating growl from somewhere. She stops, because that's the smart thing to do in these sort of situations— oh my gosh! A cheetah jumps on her!

It was actually a dream because she's suddenly sitting up on her not-too-big/not-too-small bed that belongs to the little bear— I think we need to skip this bit when I'm describing her bed, I don't have enough paper-space. Oh, back to Goldilocks.

She doesn't feel happy because she really, really wanted to know the mysterious owner dude's secret but she has to wait for another night because he's never truly awake in daylight.

So she spent the morning contemplating on how to approach him. Also, with some daydreaming on the side, but mostly the approach thing.

Whilst she strode around that cold, damp day it didn't seem like any eventful things was to happen. Nope, just another normal day of pretending to be working when people are looking. And then so more daydreaming. But mostly the work thing.

Goldilocks felt like she was kind of stuck in that half awake/ half not awake kind of sloshed feeling because she zones out completely.


A flash of blue and some other colour in her peripheral vision. I know it's quite shocking and unpredictable right now that the things that has the primary colour of blue and quite literally zoomed right in her face was non other than out favourite super awesome, super hero which is... TURN TO THE NEXT PAGE TO FIND OUT THAT IT'S——

the end.

1 comment:

  1. I totally see why you find this entertaining ! It rocks!

